Manjusha Jadhav
Manjusha Jadhav is the Founder and Artistic Director of this Kathak Beats Dance Academy.
She is a Kathak Dance aficionado who started learning Kathak at a young age under the guidance of Smt. Rekha Nadgaouda. Rekhatai, began her illustrious career under late Guru Haider Sheikh in Nashik before assuming disciple hood of late Guru Natraj Pandit Gopikrishnaji and Pt. Shama Bhateji. She ardently kept learning, exploring, performing and dancing through the years and in her senior years she continued her pursuit under the guidance of Smt. Manjiri Karulakar who is a senior disciple of Guru Pt. Smt. Maneesha Satheji. She is the founder and director of Roopak Nrityalaya and was a recipient of a special scholarship from Government of India to be at Tashkent Indian Embassy for promotion of Kathak. She has also had the opportunity to receive blessings of Guru Shri Pandit Birju Maharajji and Guru Vidushi Saswati Senji and to learn under their guidance.
Dr Manjusha is passionate about promoting and teaching Kathak and wants the community to benefit from her 25 + years of dedicated service to Kathak. She is extremely eloquent with the language of gestures, which imparts her tremendous capacity to enthrall the audiences with her performances. She has been an avid dancer and choreographer who has received accolades at various venues in India and the US.
Manjusha is a darling of all the children and they look forward to their classes with Her sense of humor, patience, positivity and charismatic attitude puts all learners and children at ease and she is able to get the best out of all her students. She takes the students’ skills into account to encourage their individual development and strives to bring them towards perfection. Students benefit greatly from her unique approach to teaching, during their training period and as preparation for their performances.
She feels strongly that the drift towards “Bollywood dancing “ is eroding the basic foundations of classical dance. Thus, in order to protect the rich cultural heritage of Kathak and promote authentic Kathak dance form. She started Kathak Beats Academy with a sole purpose is to teach Kathak through a structured certification programme that enables students (kids and ladies) to master the art form.